What are the three parts of an expressway entrance? Explain each and describe the proper procedure for entering an expressway.

What are the three parts of an expressway entrance? Explain each and describe the proper procedure for entering an expressway.

Entrance ramp:Allows the driver time to search traffic for flow and traffic gaps and evaluate speed and space requirements before entering

Acceleration lane:This is the area to get the speed up to or near the speed of traffic on the expressway.

Merging Area:This is the area immediately following the acceleration lane generally distinguished by a broken white line which indicates that traffic may flow from this lane and move onto the expressway

Make sure the entrance is the one you want.

Check your front and rear zones 

Gradually increase your speed 

Decide which vehicle to follow in the flow of the expressway traffic 

Cancel your signal and adjust to the speed of traffic

Discuss the three options for avoiding a collision.

Discuss the three options for avoiding a collision.

Plan for the unexpected

Control your speed

Be prepared to react to other drivers

Don't expect that everyone is a defensive driver

Manage time and space

Be aware of special road and weather conditions

Be alert and avoid distractions (e.g., cell phone use, eating

Where is parking illegal? Why?

Where is parking illegal? Why?

On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street (double parking)

On a crosswalk

On a sidewalk

In front of a driveway

By yellow curbs painted or where NO PARKING signs are posted

In an intersection

Within 15 ft of a fire hydrant

Describe a proper pass and discuss where passing is prohibited.

Describe a proper pass and discuss where passing is prohibited.

  1. Stay a safe distance behind the vehicle you want to pass
  2. Before you pull out to pass, check your blind spots and make sure that you have plenty of time and room to pass.
  3. Give your signal before you move into the left lane
  4. Passing on the right is only legal when there are two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction or the vehicle you are passing is making a left turn. Pulling off the roadway to pass on the right is against the law.

Describe how to execute a turn using the nine steps of making a proper turn.

Describe how to execute a turn using the nine steps of making a proper turn.

Right Turn:

  • As you prepare to turn, reduce speed and stay as far to the right as possible. Begin the turn in the lane nearest to the right-hand curb and end the turn in the lane nearest the right-hand curb.
  • Give turn signal.
  • Yield to pedestrians who may be crossing your path. Scan for any bicyclist in your path.
  • Avoid making wide, sweeping turns in the other lane.

Left Turn:

  • Turn on the left turn signal before you make the turn and slow down.
  • Look both ways and make sure that the oncoming lanes are clear.
  • Make the turn from the designated lane (use left lane).
  • Do not enter into the right lane. In some states it is illegal to enter the right lane after the turn is completed.

Describe the two types of intersections

Describe the two types of intersections

Three way intersections

Four way intersections

At an intersection without STOP or YIELD signs (uncontrolled intersection), slow down and prepare to stop. Yield to vehicles already in the intersection or entering it in front of you. Always yield to the car that arrived first. If you and another driver reach the intersection at the same time, yield if the car is on your right.

At a four-way stop if two vehicles reach the intersection simultaneously, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

Discuss the factors that make up the highway transportation system and the importance of the interaction of those factors in maintaining a safe driving environment

Discuss the factors that make up the highway transportation system and the importance of the interaction of those factors in maintaining a safe driving environment

Answer: The United States Highway System is an integrated system of roads in the United States numbered within a nationwide grid. These highways are coordinated by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Discuss the point system of driving infractions

Discuss the point system of driving infractions

Points are assigned for each infraction and a certain amount of points on your record can cause you to have your driving privileges restricted or revoked. 

12 points within a 12-month period—not more than a 30 day suspension 

18 points within an 18-month period—not more than a 3 month suspension 

24 points within a 36-month period—not more than a 1 year suspension

Discuss the restrictions of 16 and 17 year old drivers

Discuss the restrictions of 16 and 17 year old drivers

16 year olds:Drive only between 6 am and 11 pm unless accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old who is in the front passenger seat. or if traveling to work

17 years: Drive between 5 am and 1 am

What does the drivers license exam prove? What are the two parts of the exam?

What does the drivers license exam prove? What are the two parts of the exam?

That you can read important features, know driving rules in florida,can see well enough to properly handle a vehicle and dont have any physical or mental impairments that would adversely affect your driving ability

The Vision Test

The Written Test

Describe 3 ways traffic signs display information(color, shape, text). Give an example of each.

Describe 3 ways traffic signs display information(color, shape, text). Give an example of each.

A red sign always signifies stop/do not enter/or wrong way

Yellow: Yellow stands for caution. A yellow traffic sign serves as a general warning.

Green: Green means go! A green traffic sign signals that you can proceed, or provides you with direction on where to proceed.

Black and White: Black and white traffic signs provide posted regulations (i.e., speed limits).

Orange: Orange signals construction time! If you see an orange traffic sign, you will likely encounter construction or road maintenance ahead.

Brown: Brown traffic signs reference local recreation areas or scenic points of interest.

Blue: Blue stands for guidance. Blue traffic signs often offer information to assist motorists.

An octagon signals the need to stop.

An upside down triangle always means "yield."

A diamond always warns of possible hazards ahead.

Pennant-shaped traffic signs serve as advanced warning of no passing zones.

Round stands for railroad. When you see a round traffic sign, you will likely see a railroad crossing.

A pentagon signals a school zone ahead or a school crossing zone.

Horizontal rectangles typically provide guidance to drivers.

Vertical rectangle usually serve as regulatory notices

Describe two conditions that can affect friction and traction. What happens to the handling of a car when there is a loss of friction and traction?

Describe two conditions that can affect friction and traction. What happens to the handling of a car when there is a loss of friction and traction?

Friction is affected by the brakes, tires, the road surface and speed

Traction is affected by stopping distance, centrifugal force, and hydroplaning

Decreasing a car's traction decreases the amount of control you have over the vehicle

At a 4-way stop:

At a 4-way stop:

a. The driver reaching the intersection first should be given the right-of-way.

b. The driver to the right should be given the right-of-way.

c. The driver to the left should be given the right-of-way.

If you see a flooded roadway ahead?

If you see a flooded roadway ahead?

a. Check to make sure it is not too deep and then cross carefully.

b. Stop your vehicle on the roadway.

c. Turn around and find another route to get to your destination.

A Learner's Permit allows you to?

A Learner's Permit allows you to?

a. Operate a motor vehicle when supervised by another driver.

b. Operate a motor vehicle without supervision.

c. Observe another driver operate a motor vehicle.

Use antifreeze washer fluid because:

Use antifreeze washer fluid because:

a. It will keep the fluid from freezing.

b. When fluid is cold it can scratch your windshield.

c. If your wiper blades are very cold, moisture will make them crack.

What is a benefit of using hand-to-hand steering? a. You can more easily use other vehicle controls while steering. b. Your hands cross over the steering wheel so you have more control of the vehicle. c. Less chance of injury in the event of a frontal crash in a vehicle equipped with a driver side air bag.

What is a benefit of using hand-to-hand steering?

a. You can more easily use other vehicle controls while steering.

b. Your hands cross over the steering wheel so you have more control of the vehicle.

c. Less chance of injury in the event of a frontal crash in a vehicle equipped with a driver side air bag.

If you have a breakdown:

If you have a breakdown:

A. Get your vehicle off the road.

B. Turn on your emergency flashers.

C. Both of the above.

Answer: C. Both of the above.

You should signal anytime:

You should signal anytime:

a. You pull away from a curb

b. For two seconds before making a turn

c. Both of the above

Answer: c. Both of the above

Reversible lanes are designated by:

Reversible lanes are designated by:

A. Yellow broken lines inside, white broken lines inside

B. Yellow broken lines outside and inside

C. Yellow solid lines outside, yellow broken lines inside

D. White broken lines outside and inside

Answer: B. Yellow broken lines outside and inside

Which of the following factors will not typically earn a driver lower insurance rates?

Which of the following factors will not typically earn a driver lower insurance rates?

A. Having a car with extra features like daytime running lights

B. Having a history of filing numerous insurance claims

C. Having completed a drivers education course

D. Having multiple cars on the same policy

Answer: B. Having a history of filing numerous insurance claims

One way your parents can help you improve your driving skills is by:

One way your parents can help you improve your driving skills is by:

A. Discussing their own experience as drivers

B. Purchasing a cheap car to help you practice

C. Remaining silent while riding along with you

D. Trusting you to know what you're doing

Answer: A. Discussing their own experience as drivers

Rolling through a stop sign can:

Rolling through a stop sign can:

A. Allow you to yield safely without applying the brakes

B. Be performed at intersections where no one is waiting

C. Cause unnecessary wear on your brakes

D. Confuse other drivers at the intersection

Answer: D. Confuse other drivers at the intersection

To prevent a driver with a suspended license from driving further, a person convicted of driving with an invalid license may be penalized with __________ .

To prevent a driver with a suspended license from driving further, a person convicted of driving with an invalid license may be penalized with __________ .

A. a jail term for the length of the suspension

B. cancellation of their vehicle registration

C. mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device

D. vehicle impoundment for at least 30 days

Answer: D. Vehicle impoundment for at least 30 days

If a passenger wishes to have a serious discussion with you, you should:

If a passenger wishes to have a serious discussion with you, you should:

A. Ask him or her to wait until you stop driving

B. Give your attention to the conversation

C. Slow down as you have the discussion

D. Tell him or her to get out of the car

Answer: A. Ask him or her to wait until you stop driving

Epileptics on medication can generally obtain:

Epileptics on medication can generally obtain:

A. a Class E license intended for individuals with permanent medical conditions

B. an essential needs license that they must renew annually

C. a restricted license that specifies when they are allowed to drive

D. a standard license if they've gone without seizures for a year

Answer: D. A standard license if they've gone without seizures for a year

In general, the best way to handle a skid is to:

In general, the best way to handle a skid is to:

A. Depress the brakes firmly and rapidly

B. Steer in the direction of the skid

C. Steer towards your intended destination

D. Turn the steering wheel sharply

Answer: C. Steer towards your intended destination

A driver who has been drinking is more likely to:

A driver who has been drinking is more likely to:

A. Drive farther from the sides of the road

B. Never stop using the brake pedal

C. Remain alongside another driver

D. Underestimate the distance needed to stop

Answer: D. Underestimate the distance needed to stop

Even if you recover at the last minute from a loss of balance or traction, there is still a risk that:

Even if you recover at the last minute from a loss of balance or traction, there is still a risk that:

A. Inertia will affect the operations of your engine

B. Other drivers will be endangered by your maneuver

C. You will cause damage to your transmission system

D. Your car will stall once it you have righted it

Answer: B. Other drivers will be endangered by your maneuver.

Dealing with hazards is easier if you can:

Dealing with hazards is easier if you can:

A. React to them individually

B. Respond to them all at once

C. Treat them all as equally risky

D. Wait to notice them until the last minute

Answer: A. React to them individually

When you are stopped by law enforcement, you should:

When you are stopped by law enforcement, you should:

A. Argue with the officer if you think he or she is mistaken

B. Get out of your car as the officer approaches

C. Get your license and registration before the officer arrives

D. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel

Answer: D. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel

Right turns are generally the easiest turns to make because:

Right turns are generally the easiest turns to make because:

A. Drivers don't have to worry about bicyclists or pedestrians

B. Drivers generally tend to turn left rather than right

C. It is easier to see around a right corner

D. They pass through no additional lanes of traffic

Answer: D. They pass through no additional lanes of traffic.

Gridlock occurs when:

Gridlock occurs when:

A. A car cuts into the gap in front of your car

B. Drivers can accelerate for only is brief spurts before stopping

C. Traffic is required to travel by an alternate route

D. Vehicles get stuck in the middle of an intersection

Answer: D. Vehicles get stuck in the middle of an intersection.

The 911 lifeline law is designed to:

The 911 lifeline law is designed to:

A. Encourage teens to report Zero Tolerance violations they encounter

B. Facilitate the emergency response to drunk driving collisions

C. Help teens get advice about avoiding alcohol and drugs

D. Make sure teens suffering alcohol poisoning get medical care

Answer: D. Make sure teens suffering alcohol poisoning get medical care

When a person develops tolerance for alcohol, he or she will:

When a person develops tolerance for alcohol, he or she will:

A. Act intoxicated even when he or she hasn't been drinking

B. Be less harmed physically by the same doses

C. Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication

D. Take longer to reach a BAC of 0.08%

Answer: C. Need larger doses to feel the same level of intoxication

Your line of sight is:

Your line of sight is:

A. The length of time it takes you to identify a situation

B. The path from your eyes to the object they're viewing

C. The section of the roadway where your visual target is located

D. The space between your car and your selected target area

Answer: B. The path from your eyes to the object they're viewing

What does the alcohol evaporator do

What does the alcohol evaporator do

Answer: But alcohol into the air system to help reduce the risk of ice and air brake valve's and other parts during cold weather

Which of the below methods can you use to ensure a second trailer before coupling

Which of the below methods can you use to ensure a second trailer before coupling

• use the tractor in first semi trailer to pick up the converter dolly and move into position

• release talley break by opening the air tank petcock or if the dolly has a spring break use the dolly parking brake control

• Will the dolly into position by hand so it is in line with the king pen

Coupling and uncoupling methods are the same for most common tractor trailer combinations, but there are other ways for coupling and uncoupling the many types of truck trailer combinations that are in use. True or false

Coupling and uncoupling methods are the same for most common tractor trailer combinations, but there are other ways for coupling and uncoupling the many types of truck trailer combinations that are in use. True or false

Answer: True

What is a converter dolly

What is a converter dolly

Answer: A couple and divisive one or two axles and a fifth wheel by which a semi trailer can be coupled to the rear of a tractor trailer combination forming a double bottom rig

What is a converter gear or dolly

What is a converter gear or dolly

Answer: A coupling device of one or two axles in a fifth wheel by which a semi trailer can be coupled to the rear of a tractor-trailer combination for make a double bottom ring

What methods can be used to secure a second trailer before coupling

What methods can be used to secure a second trailer before coupling

• release dolly break by opening the air tank petcock or if the dolly has a spring break use the dolly parking brake control

• Will the dolly into position by hand so it is in line with the kingpen

• use the tractor and first semi trailer to pick up the converter dolly and move it into position

Managing space- some roads can cause a vehicle to it. There can be a problem clearing objects along the edge of the road such as signs trees or bread supports. Where this is a problem what should you do

Managing space- some roads can cause a vehicle to it. There can be a problem clearing objects along the edge of the road such as signs trees or bread supports. Where this is a problem what should you do

Answer: Drive a little closer to the center of the road

Vehicle inspection: all commercial vehicles must be Equip standard emergency equipment. Which three items must commercial vehicles be equipped with?

Vehicle inspection: all commercial vehicles must be Equip standard emergency equipment. Which three items must commercial vehicles be equipped with?

• fire extinguishers

• spare electrical fuses and less he played with circuit breakers

• warning devices for park vehicles for example three reflective warning triangles

Vehicle inspection- how do you test for hydraulic leaks?

Vehicle inspection- how do you test for hydraulic leaks?

Answer: Pump the break pedal three times. Then apply firm pressure to the pedal and hold for five seconds. The pedal should not move. If it does, there may be a leak or other problem.

Shifting gears- what is the basic method for shifting up?

Shifting gears- what is the basic method for shifting up?

Answer: Release accelerator, push in clutch and shift to neutral at the same time. Release clutch. Leg engine and gears slow down to the rpm required for the next gear. Push in clutch and shift to the higher gear at the same time. Release clutch and press accelerator at the same time

Basic control of your vehicle- you should avoid backing whenever possible. However, if you find yourself in a situation when you must back, what should you do?

Basic control of your vehicle- you should avoid backing whenever possible. However, if you find yourself in a situation when you must back, what should you do?

Answer: Look at your bath, back slowly, back and turn toward the drivers side whenever possible and use a helper whenever possible

Reversible lanes __________

Reversible lanes __________

Answer: may have signs posted by the side of the road or overhead to tell you which lanes you can use at that time.

For the entire time a driver holds a learner's permit, he or she may not have any passengers except for one person who is providing instruction and is at least __________ years old, has held a driver's license for four or more consecutive years and whose license has not been suspended during the four years prior to training, and a licensed driving instructor giving instruction or his or her parents or legal guardian, at least one of whom holds a valid driver's license.

For the entire time a driver holds a learner's permit, he or she may not have any passengers except for one person who is providing instruction and is at least __________ years old, has held a driver's license for four or more consecutive years and whose license has not been suspended during the four years prior to training, and a licensed driving instructor giving instruction or his or her parents or legal guardian, at least one of whom holds a valid driver's license.

A. 18

B. 19

C. 20

D. 21

Answer: C. 20

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. It is a crime for you to leave a crash site in which your vehicle was involved if there is an injury or death before police have talked to you and gotten all the information they need about the crash.

B. If your vehicle is hit from the side, front airbags will help.

C. You must report an accident to police only if there is an injury or a death.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. It is a crime for you to leave a crash site in which your vehicle was involved if there is an injury or death before police have talked to you and gotten all the information they need about the crash.

Behaviors that can cause trouble include __________

Behaviors that can cause trouble include __________

A. using the "four-second sight-distance rule" at night to make sure you are not "over-driving" your headlights.

B. allowing your door to strike an adjacent parked vehicle.

C. moving out of the right-hand lane of a multi-lane highway to allow vehicles to enter from the on-ramps.

D. all of the above

Answer: B. allowing your door to strike an adjacent parked vehicle.

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Drivers may not enter an intersection unless they can get through it without having to stop; you should wait until traffic ahead clears so that you are not blocking the intersection.

B. Drivers overtaking a vehicle traveling in the same direction must yield to that vehicle unless the vehicle is slowing or coming to a stop.

C. You must yield the right-of-way to a police vehicle, fire engine, ambulance or other emergency vehicle using a siren, air horn or a red or blue flashing light.

D. none of the above

Answer: B. Drivers overtaking a vehicle traveling in the same direction must yield to that vehicle unless the vehicle is slowing or coming to a stop.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. At crossings with more than one track, wait until the passing train is well down the track before starting to cross; the train that just passed may hide another one that is approaching.

B. Looking well down the road will cause you to steer less straightly with more weaving.

C. Rely on traffic signals or signs to tell you that no one will be crossing in front of you at intersections.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. At crossings with more than one track, wait until the passing train is well down the track before starting to cross; the train that just passed may hide another one that is approaching.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Connecticut law requires you Which of the following statements is true?

A. At crossings with more than one track, wait until the passing train is well down the track before starting to cross; the train that just passed may hide another one that is approaching.

B. Looking well down the road will cause you to steer less straightly with more weaving.

C. Rely on traffic signals or signs to tell you that no one will be crossing in front of you at intersections.

D. all of the above

Answer: B. Before you pass, look ahead for road conditions and traffic that may cause other vehicles to move into your lane.

Individuals using an out-of-state registered vehicle for the road test must bring a copy of the declaration page of the vehicle's insurance policy (meeting Connecticut minimum requirements for liability insurance), which includes $__________ bodily injury per accident.

Individuals using an out-of-state registered vehicle for the road test must bring a copy of the declaration page of the vehicle's insurance policy (meeting Connecticut minimum requirements for liability insurance), which includes $__________ bodily injury per accident.

A. 10,000

B. 20,000

C. 30,000

D. 40,000

Answer: D. 40,000

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. It's helpful to stop occasionally and check your rearview mirrors while backing, as the design of some vehicles prevents a clear view to the rear.

B. Try to do as much backing as possible; in a shopping center, try to find a parking space you can back out of when you leave.

C. Backing a vehicle in a travel lane is illegal and unsafe to do so, except to parallel park or to perform a three-point turn (also called a T turn).

D. all of the above

Answer: A. It's helpful to stop occasionally and check your rearview mirrors while backing, as the design of some vehicles prevents a clear view to the rear.

A flashing yellow traffic light means __________

A flashing yellow traffic light means __________

A. the traffic light is about to change to red.

B. there should be no oncoming or crossing traffic.

C. slow down and proceed with caution.

D. all of the above

Answer: C. slow down and proceed with caution.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Only use your horn as a warning to others.

B. If the steering system is not working properly, it is difficult to control the direction you want to go.

C. Make sure there are no objects on the floor that could roll under the brake pedal and prevent you from stopping the vehicle.

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Many health problems can affect your driving - a bad cold, infection, virus, etc.

B. When you are tired, you could fall asleep behind the wheel and crash, injuring or killing yourself or others.

C. Emotions have very little effect on your driving.

D. none of the above

Answer: C. Emotions have very little effect on your driving.

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. If a motorcycle should fall in front of you, you need extra distance to avoid the rider; the chances of a fall are greatest on wet and icy roads, gravel roads, and metal surfaces such as bridges, gratings and streetcar or railroad tracks.

B. If you are pulling a trailer with your vehicle, the extra weight decreases your stopping distance.

C. If you are being followed closely, pull to the right and allow the vehicle behind you to pass.

D. none of the above

Answer: B. If you are pulling a trailer with your vehicle, the extra weight decreases your stopping distance.

To be a good driver, you must __________

To be a good driver, you must __________

A. be alert for unexpected events.

B. use your headlights at night and at other times when it's hard to see.

C. pay attention to what is going on around you.

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. In Connecticut, people under 21 years old could be considered impaired after having only one drink of alcohol.

B. The best advice is if you drink alcohol - do not drive.

C. An alcohol drink is: 2 oz. of 80-proof liquor (one shot glass) straight or with a mixer, 12 oz. of beer (a regular size can, bottle, mug, or glass), or a 5 oz. glass of wine.

D. none of the above

Answer: C. An alcohol drink is: 2 oz. of 80-proof liquor (one shot glass) straight or with a mixer, 12 oz. of beer (a regular size can, bottle, mug, or glass), or a 5 oz. glass of wine.

A limited license may contain one or more restrictions, which will be noted on the license document, and which permit operation of a motor vehicle, such as: In a motor vehicle equipped with external mirrors located on both the left and right sides of the vehicle to reflect to the vehicle operator a view of the highway at least __________ feet to the rear.

A limited license may contain one or more restrictions, which will be noted on the license document, and which permit operation of a motor vehicle, such as: In a motor vehicle equipped with external mirrors located on both the left and right sides of the vehicle to reflect to the vehicle operator a view of the highway at least __________ feet to the rear.

A. 100

B. 150

C. 200

D. 250

Answer: C. 200

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Always set your parking brake when you park; leave the vehicle in gear if it has a manual transmission or in "park" if it has an automatic transmission.

B. Drivers are responsible for making sure that their vehicle is not a hazard when it is parked.

C. When you park on a hill, turn your wheels sharply away from the side of the road or curb; this way, if your vehicle starts to roll downhill, it will roll away from traffic.

D. none of the above

Answer: C. When you park on a hill, turn your wheels sharply away from the side of the road or curb; this way, if your vehicle starts to roll downhill, it will roll away from traffic.

Give your horn a sharp blast __________

Give your horn a sharp blast __________

A. around blind pedestrians.

B. when a child or older person is about to walk, run, or ride into the street.

C. when a person on foot or on a bike appears to be moving into your lane of travel.

D. all of the above

Answer: B. when a child or older person is about to walk, run, or ride into the street.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. When it looks like a collision may happen, many drivers panic and fail to act, or they do act, but they do something that does not help to reduce the chance of the collision.

B. In avoiding a collision, drivers have two options: stop or turn.

C. A road that is safe under normal conditions will still be safe when it is wet or has snow or ice on it.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. When it looks like a collision may happen, many drivers panic and fail to act, or they do act, but they do something that does not help to reduce the chance of the collision.

Which of the following statements is false?

Which of the following statements is false?

A. Try to avoid driving on either side and slightly to the rear of another vehicle; you will be in their blind spot.

B. When possible, take potential hazards one at a time; for example, if you are overtaking a bicycle and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, slow down and let the vehicle pass first so that you can give extra room to the bicycle.

C. Use the "two-second" rule when the driver behind you wants to pass.

D. none of the above

Answer: C. Use the "two-second" rule when the driver behind you wants to pass.

If you experience __________, you should keep a strong grip on the steering wheel (it may be difficult to turn, but it is possible), and pull off the roadway; the brakes will still work, but you may have to push very hard on the brake pedal.

If you experience __________, you should keep a strong grip on the steering wheel (it may be difficult to turn, but it is possible), and pull off the roadway; the brakes will still work, but you may have to push very hard on the brake pedal.

A. power failure

B. headlight failure

C. a stuck gas pedal

D. any of the above

Answer: A. power failure

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Worn tires increase the effect of "hydroplaning" and increase the chance of having a flat tire.

B. Damaged glass can break very easily in a minor collision or when something hits the windshield.

C. Bright sun or headlights on a dirty windshield make it hard to see.

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

If you do not have ABS and you need to turn quickly, __________

If you do not have ABS and you need to turn quickly, __________

A. step on the brake pedal, then let up and turn the steering wheel.

B. braking will slow the vehicle, put less weight on the front tires, and allow for a quicker turn.

C. lock up the front wheels while braking.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. step on the brake pedal, then let up and turn the steering wheel.

Reasons for aggressive driving include ________

Reasons for aggressive driving include __________

A. conflicts from other areas of our lives that distract us while driving, such as: family issues, marital problems, resentments from the job, difficulties with authority and feeling controlled by others.

B. a sense of "territory" that leads people to presume that they own the space around themselves and their vehicles.

C. more youths today operate vehicles but lack the maturity to drive them responsibly and with caution during tense situations.

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. A dashed yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line.

B. Solid yellow lines may never be crossed.

C. When required to stop because of a sign or signal, you must stop after your vehicle crosses the stop line.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. A dashed yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. After market changes to vehicle equipment such as tinted windows and lighting may violate legal standards.

B. Connecticut has an optional seatbelt law.

C. A good adjustment for the side mirrors is to set them so that when you lean all the way back, you can see the side of your vehicle.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. After market changes to vehicle equipment such as tinted windows and lighting may violate legal standards.

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

A. In many crashes with motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians, drivers reported that they looked but did not see them.

B. Vehicles always lose speed going down a steep grade.

C. Head or earphones that cover or go into both ears are legal in all states but make it too hard to hear emergency horns or sirens.

D. all of the above

Answer: A. In many crashes with motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians, drivers reported that they looked but did not see them.